From January 1st, 2025, onwards Mr. Pertti Lukkari has stepped down from his position as the CEO of GIM Robotics. He continues to provide his expertise to the company as an Advisor to the Board. The company’s co-founder and earlier COO, Dr. Jari Saarinen, has been nominated as the new CEO starting from January 1st, 2025.
In summer 2022, GIM Robotics’ board decided to shift the focus from project business to license sales to enable better scalability. The company has developed generic solutions applicable for all sorts of mobile machines working in different industries. Among the most important licensable solutions were products developed for 3D localisation and real-time situational awareness – also in GNSS-challenged environments, in adverse weather conditions.
To be successful in ramping up the license business, the board started to look for somebody with a solid track record. It found a perfect match, M.Sc. (Tech.) Pertti Lukkari. Pertti had been doing successful licensing sales ramping up phases earlier and we trusted he could repeat that with us. Now, about 2.5 years later, we can honestly say that we hired exactly the right guy to lead GIM Robotics through turbulent times, inherently related to shifts in paradigms. Deployments have been successfully conducted and licenses issued – and the pace is just picking up all the time. As we all thank Pertti for the job well done and wish him all the best in his future endeavors. We are sure that our paths will cross in the coming years. Godspeed Pertti and see you soon.
When GIM Robotics was founded in 2014, the four founders of the company (late Professor Aarne Halme, Dr. Jussi Suomela, Dr. Jari Saarinen and Dr. Jose Luis Peralta) elected Jari as the first CEO for the company. Jari is a hardcore scientist and top-notch engineer, but he also had a clear entrepreneur mind. Jari and other founders managed to make the company profitable from the beginning and made it grow organically both in terms of the number of employees and clients.
In 2017, Jussi and Jari were among the four founders of GIM Robotics’ sister company, Sensible 4, which was established to ride the strong hype curve of self-driving cars. In 2023, after six busy years in that fast-growing start-up as its CTO, Jari came back to GIM Robotics. He was able to apply the lessons learned from the highly competitive self-driving car industry to the ways of working in GIM Robotics.
From January 1st, 2025, onwards, Jari will provide us with the loop closure as our new CEO. In our business, when we are solving constantly challenging SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping) related problems, a loop closure is a very desirable event. It straightens things, improves accuracy and increases the overall performance. We are 100% sure that Jari’s comeback as our CEO will do exactly that to GIM Robotics.
CEO, Dr. Jari Saarinen | Email: