After July, our main holiday month, it has been time to come back to GIMHole, our lovely half-underground HQ and fire up some PCs, simulators and physical robots. The Finnish summer is truly wonderful, but so short, and rebooting body and soul after six-seven months of darkness, slush and snow, is an absolutely necessity for GIMsters.
Just like the lively groups of first-class elementary school pupils, who have just started their long education journey in Finland this week, we are well-rested and full of energy to start the autumn period.

Our office has not been empty, far from it, as we obviously have several projects going on year-round, both commercial PoCs and consultations and public funded ones. Our agile deployment team has been zigzagging two continents while performing our licensable product deployments together with Navitec System’s guys, our partners in intra-logistics cases. Indoor-outdoor capable solutions are gaining a lot of traction globally and the additional value of 3D LiDAR(s) based solutions in this context are finally getting the appreciation they so clearly deserve. That trend has brought several new clients to us.
Autumn time is traditionally the time when you start public funding projects, nationally funded and EU-funded alike, and we are thrilled to start two large projects during the next few months, one funded by EU Horizon Europe and other by European Defence Fund (EDF). We can’t wait to start cooperating with some European flagship companies and universities. Likewise, autumn time is traditionally the time when running projects, like everLOC, SPECTRO and FUTURA, organize annual General Assembly meetings to review the results and plan for the next year. It is great to see so many old friends in these meetings. Likewise, our participation in two ecosystems, SIX and DDE, will provide continuous interaction with some of the best Finnish companies in then fields of mobile working machines and defense.
As the summer is slowly turning into autumn in Finland, we are eager to perform the much-needed test runs and data collection operations with our autonomous mobile robots. Although we are known for our skills in adverse weather conditions, especially in arctic conditions, we still need loads of data from sunny summer conditions – there are not many leaves around when we test our traversability algorithms during winter months.

If you are in need to automate your intralogistics use cases, in warehouses, ports, airports, or basically anywhere, contact us, and we can find out together, if we already have a ready solution for you. Our acclaimed 3D-localisation product PAIKKA is a stellar example of our ready SW products we have been deploying at ever increasing speed globally.
Should you need help for your technology development or any sort of consultation, we have the right guys for your needs, especially in the fields of perception, sensor fusion, calibration, GNSS-free localisation, SLAM, traversability analyses, just to name a few.
Or if you happen to be in Finland, give us a call and visit us in Espoo, 20 minutes’ drive away from Helsinki Airport.
Let’s talk robotics.